Engineers Week

Get ready to celebrate!!!
What is Engineers Week?
Engineers Week (EWeek) is a weeklong event comprising of various professional, social, and design-build activities.
Though primarily catered towards the 3,600+ undergraduate engineers on campus, each year EWeek reaches over 8,000
students from a variety of majors and degree programs, and that reach continues to grow. Our theme for
this year is "World Carnival at Berkeley", and the celebration will occur from the Monday the 14th to Friday the 18th
of February. Every day will feature two exciting events, all of which will earn you raffle tickets towards the end of
EWeek giveaway. Prizes include an electric scooter, JBL speaker, Amazon gift cards, and more, so don’t miss out on the
Keep scrolling for more information on the main events that you can look forward to!
Want to know more about this year's “World Carnival at Berkeley” Engineer’s Week celebration? From 12-2pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the week before Engineer’s Week, the chairs of the Engineer’s Week planning committee will be outside Bechtel providing information and answering questions. Many different goodies will be handed out so make sure to stop by!
It wouldn’t be the “World Carnival at Berkeley” Engineer’s Week if there was not a carnival at Berkeley. To kick off an exciting week, we will have a Carnival Extravaganza with several classic carnival games to play from 11am-6pm on February 14th. Come out and have the opportunity to earn a lot of raffle tickets that will increase your odds of getting one of our exciting end of the EWeek giveaways.
In the spirit of both engineering and difficult carnival games, we are putting together a Popsicle Bridge Shake Table challenge where students will build a bridge with popsicle sticks and hot glue. Once completed, the bridge will have its structural stability tested on Cal Seismic’s shake table. The competition will be happening in Hearst Memorial Mining 290 from 12-3pm on Tuesday, February 15th. Both statics and dynamics to deal with on this bridge!
From the outset of freshman year, golden bears come to know Top Dog as a staple of the city and a necessity on late nights. On February 16th, at the Hearst Memorial Mining Circle, from 12-2pm delectable Top Dog hot dogs will be available for FREE. Come enjoy an easy, accessible free lunch for the day!
There are many unique, diverse opportunities on our campus ranging from designing a formula race car to participating in a competitive dance competition. It is hard to pursue all these activities and even harder to pursue them while obtaining the best possible performance in rigorous engineering courses. Come out to Engineer Week’s Faculty Panel on February 16th, from 5-6pm to hear from a prestigious panel of thirteen professors on how to handle the "Roller Coaster of College" by balancing the workload of courses with the demand of extracurricular activities. Insightful tips will be shared!
Come unwind with the musical prowess of Hugh Jackman and the inspiring story of P.T. Barnum, the founder of the circus which is often a key component of Carnivals. The movie will be starting at 7:30pm in Hearst Memorial Mining 290 on Thursday, February 17th. Engineering coursework can be demanding so treat yourself to a fun night off!
The most exciting part of Engineer’s Week is back in person and going full throttle! Come down to Moore Lobby in Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 7pm on February 18th to enjoy lively music, dancing, and participate in our series of blackjack games to earn raffle tickets. Comfort food from Anns’s Catering will be available with vegetarian/vegan, chicken, and beef options. To finish off EBall, we will be raffling off our End of EWeek prizes so don’t miss out!